Ultimate Ornamental Installation G™
Product Type: Fertilizer, Biostimulant, Soil & Root Inoculant, Soil & Bio-Habitat Amendment
Special Feature(s): Homogeneous dry formulation – every particle contains 100% of the entire ingredient complex, when spread, the complete ingredient complex distributes evenly over the entire target area.
Homogeneous Particle Size: MEDIUM – 2.0 mm.
Contains: Composted Organic Fertilizer, Humates, BioCHAR (10%), AXIS® Diatomaceous Earth, Endo-EctoMycorrhiza, PGIR (Plant Growth Inducing Rhizobacteria), L-Amio Acid, Seaweed Extract, Fulvic Acid, Fish Emulsion.
Ice-Melter Neutralization Capability: NO
NPK Organic Nutrient’s: Homogenous formulation – N (3) P (4) K (3)
BioHabitat Structure Content: BioCHAR 15% by Wt. | AXIS® Diatomaceous Earth 4% by Wt.
Package Size: 40lb Bag/ Case
The “Plant / Soil / Biological Pyramidal Matrix” is the foundation of all dynamic and sustainable ecosystems. Plants require healthy soil in order to grow and survive in landscape outplantings. A healthy soil is supported by a vast world of microbes: bacteria and fungi that live in or around the plant system. Microbes support plant health by increasing the availability of nutrients and in order to do so on a sustainable basis, require an aerobic, microporous-habitat. The porous habitat is supported by the Axis® Diatoms and BioChar contained exclusively in BioPlex ULTIMATE ORNAMENTAL Installation G™. Aside from enhancing plant root growth, health and vigor, Rhizobacteria are instrumental in neutralizing toxic compounds in the soil, making plants more resistant to disease, heat, excessive moisture and drought. PGIR (Plant Growth Inducing Rhizobacteria) also help resist pathogens and predators that could be potentially harmful to plant establishment and longer term health and vigor. Obviously, plants don’t eat and have stomachs like mammals; however they do have roots, and many of the symbiotic functions that occur in stomachs are replicated on or near the roots of most plants. Plant exudates (secretions) are released into the rhizosphere (the area of soil dominated by a plants root system), which becomes both an environment and food source for a wide range of microbes that form a symbiotic, sustainable nutritional relationship with the host plants.
BioPlex ULTIMATE ORNAMENTAL Installation G™ is a very UNIQUE fertilizer, probiotic root inoculant and a soil amendment. Extremely rich with high levels of carbon and humates to feed the probiotic soil microbial cultures and is non-burning, safe for use on all plant materials. Over the past 30 years, BioPlex Organics through ongoing research, has clearly identified areas of targeted plant, soil, and root responses that can help provide a valuable added measure of plant support necessary to help all ornamentals successfully transition the critical first 12 to 24 month transplant establishment period necessary for “sustainable plant health”.
“I was at a site yesterday where we used the BioPlex Ornamental Installation G and we had 100% survival over the Winter. (Installed Summer into early Fall). Every plug, perennial, shrub, and tree looked amazing.”
– John Kelly, Land Design, Inc.
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