Bio-Mycorrhizal 8-2-4 Planting Tablets (10Gram)

BioPlex 8-2-4 BIO-MYCORRHIZALâ„¢ Fertilizer Tablets offer an advanced biological approach for successfully transplanting and maintaining nearly all types of trees, shrubs, ornamentals and flowers. Mycorrhizal fungi combined with other critical beneficial ingredients, like seaweed extract and humic acid, encourage strong, healthy root growth, resulting in speedier, more rapid establishment of the plant. Delivering an added measure of plant support, these tablets also help reduce transplant shock, plant decline and mortality. With diverse populations of biocultures, this fertilizer increases the availability, transport and uptake of native populations of soil nutrients.

  • Contains Beneficial Mycorrhiza
  • Contains Beneficial Soil Microbes
  • Speeds Plant Establishment
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BioPlex 8-2-4 BIO-MYCORRHIZAL Fertilizer Tablets contain both Endo- and EctoMycorrhizal Fungi Inoculum, making them an effective choice for almost all plant types and species. With the addition of beneficial soil bacteria and endo- and ectomycorrhizal fungi, these fertilizer planting tablets help enhance the density, diversity and relative competitive activity of the biological culture populations within the soil and root rhizosphere. Mycorrhizal fungi play a critical role in nutrient cycling, increasing hydration capacity, improving stress tolerance, increasing disease resistance and aerating soils. The fungi also store excess, unneeded nutrients in the form of glomalin (a high-grade nutrient reservoir) for future plant use.

By improving the fundamental basic building blocks of the soil structure and simultaneously ensuring optimal health and vigor of the plant, it’s easy to understand why BioPlex 8-2-4 BIO-MYCORRHIZAL Fertilizer Tablets remain the #1 choice of discerning landscape architects and contractors, gardeners, arborists and nursery professionals.

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